Letter from the Editors


When we first discussed what it might be like to start a journal together, we could not have anticipated what would happen in the 7 years leading up to the actual inception of Maiden Magazine. We’ve fallen apart almost completely, only to rush together again in the moments it felt nearly impossible to do so. We’ve witnessed the days slow, then rocket forward.

Earlier in 2021, we reignited our discussion about collaborating on a journal. We had just attended an online book launch hosted by some fellow poets and friends turned editors. This was during a heightened moment of caution and social distance, but even through our computer screens, the conversation felt connected in a way that we had all clearly been craving. We realized that there was never going to be a perfect time to start, and so after a few late-night video calls between California and New Hampshire, Maiden Magazine came to be.

The rest of the submissions and launch cycle have been very much up to our community. We have been deeply encouraged by the response to the launch of Maiden Magazine, and impressed by the quality and volume of submissions we received for this issue. 

We sought light in the dark and found several suns worth of it. 

We looked for the surreal and the beautiful in the every day, and found them all huddled in one another’s company.

We hope you spend time with the whole of Maiden Magazine, that you commune a bit with each poet. To a writer, the attention of the reader is the most valuable currency, and we believe you’ll find plenty of ways to spend that attention on these pages. We’re happy you’re here and welcome you on the journey. 

The word maiden has several meanings, so -  you can think of this launch as the maiden journey, or you can think of this journal as run by two fiercely independent maidens. You could also consider the maiden fruiting of a tree; the first time something substantial and sweet is ready on the branch. 

With love, 

Caroline & Brittany